Today I will talk about one of the most important issues today’s. At least it is for me, but it seems that the rest of Spain doesn’t care about it. I mean the closing of TV3 here, at the Comunitat Valenciana. It is a direct attack to the Catalan language. But it was predictable from a long time ago. Before closing it, they cut all the football matches and F1 races and obligated us to watch them on Canal 9. I don’t understand how people let them do this. I will have to search on the dictionary the definition of “democracy”, because maybe it doesn’t mean what I thought. Rather it seems a dictatorship, we are going back to Franco’s era.
I consider tv3 as a very competent channel, at least much better than Canal 9. You only have to hear the commentators (it doesn’t matter the sport) to realize how bad it can be. It embarrasses me. I only watch Canal 9 when they relay a match that other channels don’t (or they do but someone has cut it…), but I can’t stand the commentators, they get me on my nerves. It’s amazing how stupid and imcompetent they are. It just take off the volume and watch the match. It has been demonstrated that the audience of tv3 in la Comunitat Valenciana was much better than the audience of Canal 9, but they dind’t care. They either cared about all the manifestations that people all over la Comunitat Valenciana did (I have only seen more people in a manifestation here when we protested against the war). But they keep doing what they want, because with the crisis Spain is passing one of the worst moment of its history, and the population accuses PSOE and Zapatero of it, so all the votes goes to the PP.
The people who has done this it’s the same who talk Spanish to their sons, and try desperately to separate Catalonia from the Comunitat Valenciana. Instead of trying to unify the language, they are killing it. I feel very sad when I see the direction that is taking this. Our language is disappearing and I can do nothing to stop it. I am surrounded by people who think like me. When I am with them I feel better, it’s like we could do it, save the language. But when we go to concentrations and manifestations I realize that we are only a minority. I think that the tenacity that the Catalonia people have had to defense their language is only comparable with the Euskera, and maybe because of that the rest of Spain now hate them and doesn’t care if their languages disappear. They don’t realize that every language is culture, part of the history of our world, and if we lose them we are killing part of our history.
But we only have to see the people who represent us. In Castelló we have Carlos Fabra and Francisco Camps, and in Valencia Rita Barberá. No comments. How can we still have hope with these characters at the power? Even after all the accusations against them, they still have the support of the working class. Some TV programs have come to Castelló to interview Fabra and people from here. Of course, they couldn’t speak with Fabra, but they could interview some people, and the conversations were always similar to this:
-What do you think about Carlos Fabra?
-oh! He is a great person and I will always give him my support, as my family has done.
-Do you know he has been imputed by many charges?
-That is all a lie! He has done lots of things for us!
- Like what?
-Now I can think about anyone, but lots!
After watching this on TV I can’t help hiding my face between my hands. How can I say to anyone that I am from Castelló after the rest of Spain has sawn the program? Everybody is laughing at us and we continue doing the same.
Just after closing TV3, Francisco Camps has already devised another brilliant plan against Catalan. He wants to remove Catalan from the possible languages when you choose a career. I can’t say anything that I haven’t said before. I just feel so impotent. Seeing how the politics laugh just in front of our faces I can’t do anything to stop them. And I say literally “laughing”, you just have to see the video where F. Camps is inaugurating the “Raval” theater and some people went to protest. He told the photographer to take a picture of him laughing and pointing at all the people. Acting like children is the only thing they can do. I just beg people to wake up and do something to end this. It’s all I have to say about this. I didn’t know what to talk about, so I chose this issue because it is important for me, but now I am pissed off. (829)
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