So, a few months ago, I decided that enough was enough. I have got to quit smoking. I remember how easy it was the last time. And you want to know what? It was even easier this time. Here's how I did it:
1. Make up your mind in advance. I've done it approx 2 months in advance. That way you have time to ruminate on it. Plan for it: Smoke your heart out (hahaha, pun intended).
2. Set a date and stick to it. I chose 2/5/11.
3. Smoke every cigarette you have the night before or throw them away when you go to bed.
4. On the day you quit, for me anyway, it helps to not leave the house.
5. Distract yourself. Don't think about it. Don't dwell on it. Do something else (but don't make that something be snacking or eating).
6. Avoid temptation. Not forever, but at least for a few weeks.
7. If you must snack (it's an oral fixation after all), stock up on carrots and celery. I know, they suck but are still better than smoking or eating cookies.
Interestingly enough the last time I did it, I did go through all the withdrawals - the grumps, extreme irritableness, boredom and restlessness were the most severe symptoms. And when I say severe, I really mean it - I was bored out of my mind with nothing to do because I to fill this time smoking. And I was irritable!
This time, I was irritable and bored, but it seemed to be much less severe and it lasted a shorter amount of time (like a week vs. a month last time!) Again - distraction works miracles.
Anyway, I want to make a list of the great things about not smoking. This is mostly a reminder to myself, you know, in case I'm tempted to start smoking again!!
Here are all the great things about NOT smoking:
• So much more time! Think of all the time I've wasted going downstairs to have a smoke, smoking, coming back upstairs (at work).
• Saving money! It's been 13 days and I've already saved 60€!
• I don't stink anymore!!!
• Within 2-3 days of quitting - I no longer have to clear my throat or cough all the time. It's awesome!!!
• When I was playing basketball I felt like I was about to drown. Now I feel stronger!
• With the new law, I had to go outside of every public place to smoke. It was quite annoying, but now I can stay with my friends and see a complete football match (I have missed more than one goal for going outside to smoke).
• I do feel better (455)
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