martes, 10 de mayo de 2011


I'm sad. There's just no other way to put it.

The worst part there's nothing I can do about it except.......

just accept that sometimes people who are more miserable then you make it their life goal to take everything good and make it bad. Even if that means making someone else look like the most horrible person ever.

It's happen to me a time or two in my life recently actually. Good friends suddenly get all pissed off and talk tons of shit and then...

Jeez! You have become the devil.

I'm not a horrible person. I'm not perfect either. I don't ask for much and I expect even less. I take people for who they are and do my damnedest not to judge. That's about the only thing I do expect from take me for who I am. And if you can't accept me for that, then don't ever try to pretend to.

I'm the type of person who will speak their mind no matter what. I don't believe in sugar coating. There's no point. I call things as I see them and if I'm wrong then so what. At least I can admit to it. If I have an opinion, I will share it. If it goes against what a friend thinks, well, I'm sorry but I'm entitled to think what I want. In more cases than not I'm typically going to go my way and not the way of a group. I'm neither a leader or a follower but I'm not the loaner type either.

The words of other people have ruined what friendships I've had in the past just because that one person supposedly knew me. Funny how that works. One person spreading rumors and lies about someone else because of an opinion. One person talking a bunch of shit just because YOUR opinion was different than theirs.

People getting pissed off because they were unhappy with the way you handled something at a single moment in your life. Pissed off because you didn't handle it they way they thought it should be handled.

It's no wonder there are so many insecure people in this world. You can't even think your own thoughts without people hating. Can't even hold your own opinions without risking the loss of a friend or friends.

I'm sad because even though the ones I've loss were obviously not very good friends to begin with, I still miss them. I guess perhaps that's not fair to say they weren't good friends because some of them really were.....for that time. And some of them still might be today had things not gone the way it went.

Will I let them ruin my everyday ... NOPE. Will I still be sad? ... Probably.
Will I beg and plead until they understand that I am who I am to be friends with them again? ...NOPE. Will I give them a chance if they came to me asking to be friends again? ... Perhaps.

I will never apologize for being who I am, nor will I apologize for any opinions I have. I will never apologize for speaking my mind. I WILL apologize if I hurt your feelings but I will never take back how I feel.

Accept it or not this simple little fact: I will never change myself to suit the rest of the world. I am who I am, I think what I want, I say what I think, and if you don't like it, that's your problem......not mine.(588)

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