Xodos is a small village located in the region of Alcalaten. It has about two hundred habitants. It has been built up on a huge rock, with a small castle on the top of it. It’s very beautiful to see this, especially when it has snowed and it’s covered with a white layer. It is located aver 1000 above the sea level, so it snows frequently. Well, now with the climate change it is strange to see it snowed, but some years ago it was always white at winter.
It has very beautiful views: it’s all green there, and the Penyagolosa (the second higher mountain in Spain) is very close. You can stay at rural houses or you can rent a room in one of the two hotels (restaurants with rooms) there are in the village. The food of one of these restaurants is extremely good. The food is home cooking, and they cook things like paella, soup, “tombet” (a typical plate from there). I enjoy eating roast meat until I am about to explode. The basic menu is first plate, second plate, deserts and café. But if you hadn’t ate enough with the things they have served you (what I doubt), you can ask for as many food as you want. I don’t know if the other restaurant is as good as this because I have never gone there.
There are many routs to make excursions, and all of them very beautiful. Maybe the most known is going the sanctuary of Penyagolosa and take a break to eat and rest there, and then continue the journey to the top of Penyagolosa. It is a very long and tiring excursion, but I recommend everyone to make it even once in life.During the year is a very calm and relaxing place. You can go there at weekends and all the stress will leave you.
But when I like it the most is in summer, because of the atmosphere that is all over the village: everyone is in the streets, children play and run , the eldest people sit outside and talk with the others. But the best of it is the bar. Almost all the village goes there to meet the others, play cards and talk. I also enjoy a lot going to the swimming pool, where all the young people usually is. I’m really happy at this moment of the year. And then there come the village festivals. They are in mid-August and last for a week. The first day is only for races and contests and, of course, dancing at night. The best day, of course, is Saturday. I always invite some friends to come and it’s even funnier.
Well, I have told you a bit of my village. I am sure I could have said more, but I now I don’t know what more to say and I am a bit tired of this blog, so I will see you another day. I hope you have enjoyed this, and if you want to know more about it I encourage you to come and visit it, I will be waiting you^^. (532)