lunes, 27 de diciembre de 2010

Rural house

Some days ago I was living at a really fantastic place located in “La Vera”, a region very close to Caceres. Its name was “Valvellodos” and it was in the middle of a really huge valley. “Valvellodos” is like a “country house-hotel-farm” where you can spend a really relaxing time.
From the outside, the house looks picturesque and big. There are lots of animals around the house such as horses, cows, pigs and sheep. You can go with the animals and touch them if you want to. The children of the family can have a really great time while the elders are having a cup of coffee at the bar. The views are really much “greener” than they are in Castelló and it makes you feel better. The house has lots of rooms where a lot of people can live at the same time. There is a quiet bar next to a big dinning room where its smell caries you into a fantastic world. Although the rooms are a bit small, they are big enough. We spent most of the time at the house, but we also visited other towns and made some excursions.
I liked that house because it was really calm, beautiful and lovely. Some people prefer going to big cities and saying at luxurious hotels, but from my point of view it is much better going to places like this, where you can stay calmly and enjoying the views you have. I also love that kind of houses: rural houses that are extremely homely. I have been thinking about it and I would like to live in a place like that when I am older. It is a bit depressing when you return home, at the stressing daily routing, after spending some days in a place like that, where the time seems to stop. (309)

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