domingo, 12 de diciembre de 2010

Long weekend

The last weekend was very large, because Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were holiday, so we had a lot of free time. I spent it at my village, Xodos (maybe another day I will talk about it, because It’s very beautiful and there are many things to say about it). I went to my village on Friday, after finishing my basketball training. When I arrived there it was too late to do anything, so I ate something and went to bed.
On Saturday morning we woke up early, because my mother had organized a day trip to the Penyagolosa’s peak (one of the highest mountains of Spain).  So she prepared some food, and then we went to the village’s square, where we had to wait the others. Once we were all done, we began our excursion. It was a very beautiful and funny journey, although a bit tired. We walked on roads that made it through the forests and vegetation. That was the beautiful  part of our trip, but when we arrived at the foot of the mountain began the hard and tiring part. When we arrived at the peak, we had lunch (I have to say that I was about to starve). We stayed there a while, enjoying the views that we had up there, but we had to go back to Xodos soon because now the sun goes down very early.
I really needed something like this to disconnect for a while of the stressing life we have in big cities, this is the perfect thing to relax. And that was my Saturday, later I will tell you about the rest of my little holiday. But now I have to go to have lunch, talking about this have made me hungry. (292)

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