sábado, 18 de diciembre de 2010


The subject of today is “hobbies”, and more specifically mine. The most I enjoy is playing basketball. I think I have been playing basketball since I was six more or less. I have played in my school team at the beginning, later I went to the Almassora basketball team. Then I wanted to try the Castelló’s basketball team, but I didn’t like it very much, so I went back to Almassora, and there is where I am now. I train two hours three days a week, and every weekend I play a match. Basketball helps me to relax and forget for a while all the things I have to do for the university. I would like to play on the UJI’s basketball team, but I don’t have enough free time. Furthermore, if I played on the UJI’s basketball team, I would have free access to the gym, what I would like very much. But like I said before, the time is a problem.
Another thing that I like very much is playing drums. I have been playing the drums for five years. I have been in two different bands, and now I am in my music academy’s band. We do concerts every three months. We practice one hour a week, so we can’t play mane songs, but it’s funny. We play mostly rock, but I enjoy more playing reagge, ska or jazz. I have an electronic drum here in Castelló, and an acoustic drum in my village. That’s why I don’t want to annoy my neighbors, but in my village I can play it without annoying anyone.
And finally in my free time I study German at the Official Collage School. I also enjoy going there, because the teacher makes the lessons very funny. Maybe this isn’t a hobby, but I also like this. (304)

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