martes, 14 de diciembre de 2010

The rest of the weekend

The rest of my long weekend was quieter and boring. We didn’t any other trip, and I spent most of the time inside my house with my friends, studying or watching TV. We were bored of being all the day at house, and we didn’t want to study, but we didn’t want to go outside either (it was really cold, and we were so good inside with the electric heating…). So I don’t have so much more to say about it.
Tuesday’s night was different. We found out that in the nearer village (named Atzeneta) they were celebrating the “Kinto’s” party, as we call it here. It is a party where the people of the village who celebrate his eighteenth birthday that year have to organize a party. We didn’t have anything more interesting to do, so we went to Atzeneta. Although the night was really bad: it was very cold and it was raining.
And that’s all I have to say about my long weekend. It hasn’t got anything special, I would even say that it was a bit boring. But at least I could relax, and now I feel that I’m strong enough to face the exams and worksheets that I have to do for my careers in the next weeks.(213)

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