miércoles, 15 de diciembre de 2010


Today I will talk about English, because it has become very important in our society and all over the world. Nowadays learning languages is very important and useful, because now it is easier to travel around the world and you need to speak their languages to understand them. English is specially important, because everywhere you go you can communicate with people speaking English. That’s one of the reasons why I’m studying this career. I enjoy learning languages, and I hope when I finish the career I will be able to travel to many places and speak their languages. But let’s come back to English and his importance on the actuality, what is the point of today.

I think there are only advantages about learning English, the only problem is that you need a lot of time to learn it. But once you can speak it you can travel, listen to songs and understand them and things more important like business and commerce. Currently, you need to know at least English for almost every job you apply for.

However, as I said before, it takes a lot of time to learn English, and that’s the reason why many people don’t want to do it. Although lately I think that more people is realizing about its importance and it’s beginning to study it.

In conclusion, I think everyone should learn many languages as many as he or she can even if it takes a long time, because eventually you will be able to meet people all over the world and get better jobs. So I encourage you to study Translation and Interpretation! It’s hard and busy, but it’s very funny too. (279)

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