jueves, 23 de diciembre de 2010

Climate change

Nowadays, the climate change is an issue to be worried about. But are all the people concerned about this? Do they do their best to help our planet? I think everyone should do what they can, but many people think “It doesn’t matter what I do. There are many people in the world that doesn’t help the planet. It should be a useless effort.” And that’s exactly the kind of thought we have to remove.

Some years ago, I didn’t believe what scientists told about the climate change. Well, maybe I believed it, but I thought it would much later than this. But now we can see it very clearly. The climate is turning crazy. One day there can be 11º outside and the next day there are 22º. I remember that when I was very young (7 years or so), every year it snowed in my village, and me and my sister went with the slid to have fun. This is impossible to do now. I rarely see my village snowed again, and if it snows, the next day the temperature is so hot that the snow is melted again. But this is just an anecdote, let’s return to the main subject of today.

Some governments also want to help, and they make laws or invest in products that are healthy for the Earth. For example, the eco-friendly products. It’s a fact that the sale of eco-friendly products are increasing day by day. But, are they really useful to reduce the pollution? And, are the increasing number of sales the result of becoming aware of the climate change or just a passing fashion? I hope that the answer is the first option, but the truth doesn’t seem to be that.

Firstly, global warming is a problem whose effects, like the climate change, are intensified every year. Due to that, lots of people think that the use of eco-friendly products can help to reduce the pollution and, consequently, the global warming.

Apparently, there aren’t many people who don’t like eco-friendly products. However, many people buy them because they seem to be popular, not because they are thinking about the climate.

From my point of view, it’s absolutely necessary to begin to use eco-friendly products. And, if it is a fake, we should think about how to make this fake to continue indefinitely to guarantee our survival.(396)  

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